Diptarup Kahali
I consider, a great privilege to write few words on an organization which is dedicated to the well beings of differently able children, Samya Foundation. Every child whether normally abled or differently abled has unique talent which needs to be explored, encouraged and nurtured. However, for the differently abled children, these talents are often neglected owing to reluctance of the society at large. Samya Foundation has given tremendous effort to break this shackle with plenty of creative ideas and applications involving a great number of differently abled children and their parents. As a parent of a differently abled child, I feel great pleasure and comfort when I find my child's hidden talents are showcased to the World and his confidence level has raised to a great extent through the incessant support of Samya Foundation. I deeply acknowledge and am very much grateful to Samya for enhancing and exhibiting my child's and his friends' capabilities and inculcating the spirit of life into the minds of the children and their parents. Thank you.